Originally Posted by Amj2020
today some hater at work asked me "dont only menopausal women who smoke a lot drive a z". Take into consideration she drives a saturn sky which is light blue...lol. I replied when she is ready to be in a real sports car to let me know but bring a backup pair of underwear.
Sounds like she described sky owners as well as PT cruiser owners.
Saturn sky isn't even a real anything to be talking that crap.Sure the engine is a good tuner. But the suspension has to be re-built from scratch to be worth throwing on a track. The RWD that understeers so much it should've been FWD... lol. I can go on for days on a car like that. I'd make her feel so small. lol. Then tell her lets get on a track... NOOOOWWWWWW!!! lol
Originally Posted by HappyZmoke
no insults. bc where i live most people have nothing but mustanggt/challengers/camaro. i guess they know. the z stands out so much. to bad im trying to trade it in for an X. (let the haters begin)
If you don't get it on the road. Then talk about your X here. We have plenty ready to shoot it down. lol The x is a awesome car. GL attaining one.