Day 3
New Orleans - Johnson Space Center - San Antonio
The day started with a bummer - and I can hear you guys telling me what an idiot i was - but i left the car with a valet in the French Quarter - no other viable options...
I had 3 bottles of wine in the trunk - took everything else out - when i went ot put my bags back in - one of the bottles had been smashed... wine spilled all over the place - broken glass. I know the douche valet zipped it around... pissed me off.
anyhow - cleaned that up and got out of N.O for a long straight ride on the 10.
from the beginning i was pacing a big white truck and a dude in a super mini pickup - they were hauling a$$. triple digits sometimes. for like 2 hours.
eventually the big truck takes an exit, and the little guy disappears in the traffic ahead. i lost him for about 20 minutes.
then later - (i was cruising at a steady 85) i made my way back up to him. I ended up passing him - almost - in the left lane. he notices me and guns it up to probably mid 90s to cut me off. - i chuckled and said 'whatever dude' as he pulled in front of me from the left
just then two cops - on foot - rush out from under the overpass ahead pointing wildly at this guy to pull over. they lasered him - and he was directly blocking me at the time based on his dumb *** maneuver.
anyhow - I got to Houston in record time

and had a great tour of the NASA facility there
then snuck out of Houston at rush hour (sucked) and made it over to San Antonio for the night - this hotel has better internet so i can catch up on posts. - hopefuly vids will be downloaded soon.