I have two I would consider "Worst tickets" from two standpoints.
Ticket #1:
If you live in NC, you need to get inspected every year to get registered. I have darker tint than legal (approx 15-20% for NC which we will get to in ticket 2
) and had a rear mount turbo which gave me spurious MAF codes. Which means you gotta do some work to get a passed inspection. It was 2 weeks before I was set to deploy and my reg ran out, because I was gearing up to leave and didnt want to mess with my car to reg it for a week. While I was driving it to get it stored, I got pulled over by Military police. After I plead my case, he wrote me up for expired Reg. I sent the money in no problem. I found out though that it got returned (dunno why?) while I was overseas and never got processed. Which brings me to ticket #2.
Ticket #2
Days after the aforementioned deployment and getting my car registered again, I decide i am going to drive my 350 up to Ohio to see my fam. I dont know if you guys ever have driven up 77 North, but that drive is nice (many curves and hills). Problem is though once you hit a certain point in VA, its nothing but traffic and police. Its starting to rain heavily which made traffic even worse on this particular day. It was bumper to bumper traffic going the speed limit when I see flashing lights behind me. I got over thinking he was trying to get by me because I wasnt doing anything illegal. NOPE, the officer was trying to pull ME over
. I quote: "Do you know why I pulled you over" he says. "Not a clue" I say as hes getting out his window opacity meter. Yeah he pulled me over in bumper to bumper traffic for my 18% tint......
. Not only that but I had my deployment paperwork with me, Military ID with me, and it was my birthday. His response to that was, "Ok, ill get you out of here real quick with a ticket". OH THANK YOU for expediting my ticket process fellow service member....
. After writing the ticket he comes back and tells me my license is suspended (I had no clue) because of the ticket number 1 mishap.
This scared me more than anything, I received a court date and got everything dropped before the court started by talking to the members of the court, thank goodness.
Also Ive probably been pulled over about 15 times in one area of NC and always just ask for license and reg and im on my way though. I always ask the officers why and a couple told me because Im driving at 2-3 am (to work) and I have a "suspicious looking vehicle" Does anyone else get this?