Good morning sir, and to all the sleepy heads out there!
Looks like my Z time for the weekend includes a thorough detaling and a cruise on Sunday where...................ready for's really big news....................I mean REALLY BIG NEWS.....................make that EARTH SHATTERING NEWS.......................................mrs. gurney MAY take the wheel of the Z for the first time.
Yes, you heard it here first.
In all my OCD glory, I have thoroughly managed to intimidate the woman that has never been intimidated in her life. After a string of nice cars, including an RX-7, a Supra, an Integra, and an Acura CL Type-S, mrs. gurney slipped into Mommy transportation mode with a series of child-cargo vehicles, and has ended-up today with a 2012 CR-V.
She has refused to drive the Z, and has rarely even ridden in it. We'll see if I can get her behind the wheel this weekend. I will keep you all posted.
Have a great weekend all, and safe travel back home to the family mr. onzedge. I sincerely hope you can make it down to Houston one day so that mrs. gurney and I can show you some displaced Louisiana hospitality and cooking.