Originally Posted by PapoZalsa
I really cannot said worst tickets, if not stupid tickets, like for example HOV violation because people around here don't know how to drive and for having out of state driving license.
Knock on wood, no speeding tickets in more than 10 yrs.
Well this was before I got busted in SC for 90 in 70 after writing this post in my old lady SUV

, the Policeman said he cut me some slack since I was with the family going down to FL for XMas so he gave me 79 in 70. Only like $85.
The worst was in Dec 2012 in my damn 92 Ford Ranger 40 in 25, got a Lawyer and Defense Driving On-Line Class. reduce to 34 in 25 paid $156.00 plus the Lawyer, DAMN Republic of Virginia.