Originally Posted by msl82
Are these aftermarket seat really worth it?
Depends on what you are using them for.
Originally Posted by msl82
What is the real advantage over the stock ones?
Weight savings and lateral support for the most part. And of course looks

Originally Posted by msl82
Does it grips you while you corner and also comfortable enough for daily driving?
Most of them will offer more lateral grip than the stockers and some of them are also pretty comfortable, but not any more comfortable than the stock seats are.
Originally Posted by msl82
And how would it effect on the safety, would it hold up when you get into brutal accidents?
All of their seats are just as safe as the stockers with one exception. For the fixed back seats to be safe, they need to be used with 5-point harnesses, and a roll bar. The fixed back seats aren't designed to work with stock 3-Point belts.