Thanks so much to everyone for their responses! I think I definitely might need to invest in winter tires at some point. I feel a bit foolish for buying a car that should probably not be used as the primary vehicle, but I couldn't resist. I'm obstinate.
Though I did google this question along with browse the forum for similair questions, I hoped to get the chance to both introduce myself and get a more personalized response by creating a new thread. I like forums for the fact that you can interact with people
I realized the snow looked a lot more intense from a second story window than it really was. It ended up being basically rain. I took it very slow in case it was icy, and people were definitely annoyed by me.
It's better to be melodramatic than find myself in a lovely position as the one showed above lol.
And I have not yet mastered driving this car in heels. I will though, mark my words!
And thanks for the info on snow tires. That makes me feel like if I get them this car will be a little bit more realistic as my primary vehicle. Hopefully there won't be too much winter left though :/