you will NOT save money changing to E85. It will cost you around $1000 for quality injectors, pump, and retune. You will never see that money back. Fuel mileage drops CONSIDERABLY after you switch. On top of that, your gauge that reads fuel mileage and miles until empty will no longer work. Well, they "work" but their readings are WAYYYY off, they are useless. It will tell you that you have 40 miles until empty and then 2 minutes later your -- until empty. E85 conversion is for highly modified cars, not mostly stock ones. Do it if you must, but just know that going into it, you are losing money and features and convenience of any gas station you want, and getting nothing in return. A tuner might find a few HP in it... but youll never know if its from the E85 or just the retune in general. Plus these cars dyno's are so inconsistent from pull to pull, that you might think you made HP when its just the variance you see pull to pull, day to day, anyways
Last edited by phunk; 02-11-2013 at 10:52 PM.