Originally Posted by Isamu
mother fucker.. not even funny!
and yes, I am excited for the engine bay pics..
annnnnnnd... you will have to link me to the said post of yours... I can't find it
I emailed the pics to you... they're not posted
Originally Posted by happytheman
You seriously considering painting that sweet ride, xip?
IKR!!! Just because you named it Yoshi, doesn't mean you have to paint it Yoshi colors
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Of course, the one time my spouse goes to cars and coffee with me, the guy I used to see is there.
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Nope, spouse isn't the lovey dovey type. And its not like I talked to the guy or if he even noticed me. I saw him from across the way and decided it was time to go. 
How did I miss this

I was wondering why you were anxious to leave after we decided to
Originally Posted by Isamu

If I had been around to create the new room, I would have posted this
Originally Posted by LMBmikeZ
 to the Wedssports! I am in the same position, I had a bunch of $$ set aside for wheels but it has since been cut in half!  some how the wife convinced me to spend half of what I had and order new granite counter tops  guess I want them to but I want wheels more! Guess I was  by the wife...... so now I only have enough to buy the rubber and have to save the cost of the rims all over again 
I want granite countertops... I might pick those over rims even
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
The closest they let me get to the track today.
Wow... when did you get home? We went out for some more drinks (Oasis sucks!) and only just now got home.
Originally Posted by Isamu
OMG I want those so bad (if they went well with GM, which they don't). But I love that color