Originally Posted by arnoldas
even if e85 is a dollar cheaper? what mpg do people get with e85 on the Z does anyone know?
Likely few if any know (or care) in an N/A Z.
But the facts remain the same - you need to burn about 30% more fuel to get the same horsepower with E85. So take whatever gas mileage you get right now with 93, and subtract 30% or so. That'd be close to your mileage.
E85 never was intended to be a gas saver...back when it first came out, it was significantly cheaper, but it's cost has almost stabilized to the point where its comparable to run E85 or traditional unleaded. In fact, I'd say your E85 prices are obnoxiously high, considering I pay $3.70 or so for 91/93 here...