Originally Posted by JARblue
Yo!  for engine bay pics 
Hey there Gale
Meant to say something yesterday - hope the arm gets better, Mini BC
I had Americanized Chinese food last night. They even said Happy New Year when I picked it up
I know his Dad's phone # if you need to do some trollin', trollin', trollin' 

trollin' may be the order of the day!!!

Originally Posted by GaleForce
Havoc has begun. We'll get a short reprieve at nap time, then it's game on until bed time.
I hope your Mini feels better today. The chopsticks might be enough to take her mind off it.
Lol on the mini gale!!! So fun
Thx for the mini thoughts guys-ice on it now. No swelling so my sister (an RN) says ice and rest should be fine till it feels better

And our chinese will be the amercanized version too lol