Originally Posted by JARblue
Love your signature  Congrats on slaying the demon bolt 
IMO it's a rite of passage.
Got them installed. All in all it took 8 hours, and 4 trips to various stores and about 200 bucks in new tools. I didn't need 200 bucks in tools, but when I went to the store the last time I wanted to be damn sure those bolts were coming off, so I bought tools for various methods. I don't mind really as now I have the tools for later use.
I will NEVER do that again. I wanted to do it just because I like working on my own car, but no way am I doing that again without a lift. And I'm never tackling anyone else's demon bolts.
I will post a video tomorrow but I am just beat right now. Way to tired to deal with that mess.
In case someone searches on google, here are some tips.
As most people have said use a 6 point impact socket. Apparently (as others have noted) on the newer models they have two bolts facing towards the engine (they are easy to see). The other bolts (not the demon bolts) are not hard to take off, but they can be a challenge to get to. You will need a U joint adapter for various spots. I used half inch drive for the entire operation. 3/8's would have been easier, but I didn't want to risk ruining my tools. The driver side second bolt might seem impossible to get with half inch drive, but you can do it if you snug it in there and have some luck.
Putting it back together, you absolutely can have two bolts facing towards the exhaust. I only put the demon bolt back facing to the top.
I found the O2 sensors on the cats to be easier to take off with the cats on the ground. Form a triangle with the 22mm wrench and the cats and the ground, then just sit on it, or use your knee and it will break free pretty easily.
Once you have the thing apart, putting it back together is a breeze in comparison.
Best tip I can give is to not do it. Take it to nissan and make them do it. The money you pay them is worth the time and frustration.
Also, have bolt extraction kit. Last thing you want to do is take a part your car and be like, well ****, now I have to get these. I live i a big city, so I was lucky enough sears had everything I needed. But if you don't, def def order the bolt extraction kit in advance.