UPDATE: Today I decided to troubleshoot. I called Z1 and talked to Spencer. I told him what is going on and he agreed that it mostlikely seems like a intake problem. He suggested cleaning the MAF. Also suggested spraying down the car with some sort of cleaner to see if there is a vaccum leak. I sprayed and really didn't find anything wrong. I did however notice that the pcv hose from the baffle box to the intake was loose on the driverside so i replaced them with some hose clamps. I cleared the code and went for a quick 30 mile drive. 15 miles in and it showed pending falult P2a00. So on the way home I youtubed a video in reguards to cleaning maf's and did that when I got home. Before going on the drive I decided to make the car re learn the a/f ratio by attemtping gomers dug up instructions on relearning a/f ratios. Went on the drive and 30 miles with no P2a00. This might solve it. Im thinking (still learning about this car, all pointers are appreciated from the penut gallery) that due to having a possible dirty maf sensor the car will lean/rich out to correct the air/fuel aratio and it happens to lean/rich out of spec due to a dirty or false reading from maf sensor?