Originally Posted by Mitco39
Looking at this plug which comes from the HU to the Amp it appears that one could just tap in a line out converter before the signal hits the amp. I could also tap into the On signal from the HU.

Actually, that plug looks like it's the "output" from the Bose amp. NOT the plug from the HU to the amp. You want to use the input wires on the other plug on the amp (should be connector
M84 according the FSM for mine which is an '09).
I'm about to replace my fronts with Polk components (wanted cleaner highs) and will be using the low level Front + & -
before the amp. Also, I won't be tapping the wires, rather cut them and solder/heat shrink the connections. I'm hoping that works as right now I have my sub/amp connected to the sub output wires going to the LOC and will need a full signal for the entire system.