I don't think the dealer replaced anything yet.
They did a 'test' with a working Altima slu to confirm his slu is dead.
I think the question is, will the fuse pull method work with his broken slu. It won't. Even if he did the fuse pull while the working Altima slu is installed, I don't think his car would start with his slu back in, because his slu is in the wrong position.
I could be wrong but that's what makes sense based on reading the threads.
He could try to start his car one last time (this would put his slu in the right position) by hitting the slu hard with a mallet, then pull the fuse.
Or, less common, but it's been done, he can open his broken slu, manually put it in the right position, then do the fuse pull method.
If any of that works it saves $1,600!
Tapatalk & such etc
Last edited by asdfsammich; 02-08-2013 at 02:51 AM.