Originally Posted by VDC_OFF
ok, was just a thought. yeah I have done a few already. They fit in perfect but that metal tab with the wires seems to be a problem for me. When you drilled a hole, how close to the rim did you get? I try to stay away from the edge to keep a clean look but the further you stay away, the more it wants to pop out the headlight. I have already had a customer have one of his pop out and Im gonna have to fix it now.
- I drill my holes toward the top of the main projection shroud to hide the wires. What I have noticed is each halo I get is different were the wires come off the XB. I try to tuck the wires into the recess of the shroud. Sometimes the wires come right off the side of the halo and wont fold behind. I have to cut a small channel into the shroud to get the halo in place.
- I have used Epoxy, JB Weld, Plastic Filler, Super Glue but what I have had no problems with is AutoGoop. As crazy as it sounds it hold the G3 lens and Halos in just fine. I have had a set of halos pop out but that was on me for not using enough Goop.
- I also noticed the Colored XB Halos are slightly larger than the white by millimeters. Those I have to glue on the outside.. Easy way to get a good surface to attach to in that case is use some body filler and make 4 mounting point in the Shrouds recess to glue to.
- I made a mess with epoxy once, and I spent a day fixing the light. Make a mistake with the AutoGoop and it cleans up easily.
Hope this helps!