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Old 02-06-2013, 02:09 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bmarcinczyk14 View Post
Wow the gas smell is that bad? I know my Ducati and previous gixxer motorcycle would always make me smell like gas, but a lot of that has to do with being out in the open on a bike. I'd think with a car it would isolate you from the smell more since it's more enclosed. Is it bad enough to the point where I'll walk into work and right away people will smell gasoline on me?
If you start up and drive immediately, you'll be fine.

If you start up and let it idle for a while inside a garage, you're gonna pick up some of the smell almost unavoidably unless you have an activated carbon cabin air filter lol

With mine, if I start it and then don't immediately leave, I'll smell like it within 1-2 minutes. Sitting inside isn't as bad of course, but if you have the defroster on or external air at all, you're gonna pull some of it in.
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