I had a total face-palm moment today.
This morning I went to the gym, and was backing into a parking space. I was moving really slow, and I accidentally touched the curb. I got out, checked everything out, and luckily I was moving slow enough that there was zero scraping or damage. (Duh moment #1)
This isn't the stupidest thing though. The reason for this post came as I was leaving the gym. I was pulling out of the parking lot, started moving toward the next intersection, and all of a sudden I hear a loud chopping/thumping sound. I freaked. I whipped my ride over to the side of the road, frantically scrambled for the pause button on my stereo, and flung my door open. I thought, "Oh sh*t! I knocked my tire off the rim when I parked, or my rear bumper is dragging or something!" (Despite the fact that I just inspected it, and literally hit the curb at like, .5 mph.)
Helicopter. It was a freakin' helicopter going overhead.

*face-palm* Got back in my car, drove to work.
Anyone done something this embarrassing before? Just thought it was funny and I'd share.