Originally Posted by kenchan
wow, 3 cabinet removal for installation. you hubby is da man!
yah, im not really good at house repairs at all... my caulk job looks like i did it while i sneezed uncontrollably (ok, maybe not that bad), and the last drywall repair i did, i placed a nice picture over it. fixed! 

yah....on drywall....we hired all of ours done
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
When I was living in Tallahassee, the AF would fly the F22 over the city on training missions or whatever they were doing, I believe they had some placed in Pensacola, but man them boys are fricken awesome.

they are awesome!!!
Originally Posted by eastwest2300
I saw an F117 night hawk fly over, that was pretty swwweet! it was silent flying past, but several seconds later, you actually heard it, if that makes any sense.

theres something called an Osprey (?) that is like that....it's gone before you realized it was even there to begin with.
Originally Posted by Isamu

just realized that this is an F-15 (?) ....Mr. BC worked on thos in the Air Force