Originally Posted by alefcole
Since its a long scratch and basically transfer color from the others car paint, I will personally use Quixx. For 25 bucks see how it ends. If you remove the other vehicle paint, may be you can live with that "scar". Make sure to apply some sort of sealant to avoid corrosion.
She should def try this. Where can one find "Quixx"?
The other option is to fix and paint both doors and may be the entire side to avoid mismatches in the paint. The stealership will charge you a lot $1000 may be?. I will just live it it.
Stealerships FTL
The wheel can be painted easily by you, but believe me there will be plenty of scratches to come. Just google "german car wheel paint" and see whats available.
I told her to leave the wheels alone because she'll get scratches anyway.
You have an alpine white car just like mine. I already have the BMW touch up paint and langka. If you want me to give it a shot let me know. I will have to see it after quixx have remove the other car transfer, for areas that are showing the base "silver color" its a good way to soften the damage.
Thanks alefcole for your info.