You really need to talk more about the 3 X pipe options not only on the first page, but on the web site also! so people do not have to dig through a 100+ page thread.
for example.
"The X Pipe has 3 options. Non Resonated, 12" Resonators or 18" Resonators. The resonators are strictly noise canceling devices. They DO NOT hinder performance at all. They are primarily designed to cut down interior noise resonance AKA "Drone"! The longer the resonator, the quieter the interior noise."
I believe you left out a very important part to this. is it fair to say the longer the resonator not alone does it quite down drone/interior noise but also exterior noise ???? beucase if thats the case its VERY important you put that in the details other wise it can be very mis leading.
 11 GT 432WHP. 10 SS 460WHP