Good Saturday Everyone...!!!
11 pages of power-read... man, I never be so good on reading English, or reading...
Sorry for this long post and quotes but when you have 11 pages of reading and quotes...

Originally Posted by JARblue
why won't the fvcking apple mobile device driver work for more than 5 minutes without having to install itunes :frustrated:
Because it is apple...!!!
Time for a change
to Android... !!!
Originally Posted by onzedge
I was thinking it was jet lag.
I think it was the

-bug sir...
Originally Posted by Fire
OK guys I'm pissed. Just found out that Chevy is going to allow tours of the BRAND F'ing new Stingray assembly plant. They are even allowing the buyer to install engine parts on the engine during the build. WTF I cannot get a simple tour of the ZL1 plant in Canada.  
dude... Do you really want to do that???
Whenever there's a fail in the engine in the future... your service manager is going to say
"You built the engine, right?? So it's not our fault then... "

Originally Posted by blackcherry20
 wheres the lovely dr. Mrs. Onzedge?! No hubby love for her this a.m. ?!
Ms.BC20, I don't think Dr.Mrs.onzedge gonna like
someone to wake her up at 4:00am and ask...
"honey... how many pancakes would you like...??" 
Originally Posted by kenchan
Goodam everyone!
Couple more weeks and spring! 

Originally Posted by Fire
All I have to say is compare this car with any other and I don't think you can find another car with the technology, power and aero at the price that the ZL1 is. Check out the time at the Nurembergring and you will see that at $60,000 the ZL1's times are that of cars costing tens of thousands of dollars more. Plus it's Made In Canada, comes with Poutine & Bacon!!
Originally Posted by Nismo89
morning all
Hey Nismo89, how's your cousin doing?? I hope he's hanging-in there
Originally Posted by Fire
It will be fun to see what it will do on the track this summer. 
I'll be taking photos and eating pho while seeing you guys going neck-to-neck on the track...
Originally Posted by Isamu
you are wrong on so many levels.
the Zl1 is ok, but for the price I would have bought a base corvette...
and it's not hard to beat the suspension on a ZL1? are you kidding me?
My car with turbo and suspension mods was still cheaper then the zl1 and I promise you it would go around the track faster.
I think I can track around with a Prius faster than anyone if my ex-wife is chasing me even with a Ferrari...
Originally Posted by Davey
Well, I'm at the end of week 2 of no bathroom, and my patience is wearing thin with these guys.
This is the first time I've ever hired a contractor to do a big job like this and it just seems like everything they do is half-assed or wrong and then I have to tell them to fix it.
He didn't order my window so my shower area is still not tiled, in fact there are still open studs.
I'm actually considering telling them to **** off and having someone else come and do it at this point.
Gosh man... that's friggin' sucks..!!
So what is the estimated finish day now??
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Everyone missed my Groundhog Day reference this morning. 
I was sleeping.... sorry....
Originally Posted by Isamu
so, Force, Alex, Onez and Fire. when we meeting in Canada for poutine and sushi?
We are thinking about on a weekend, probably around Sep, trying to prevent the hot season, otherwise we can really make poutine off the hood..
We also have to consider the liability in case of accident and do we need ambulance or tow-truck standby on-site.
Can't just go to the track and run around like a whole bunch of crazy kids..
Originally Posted by Fire
Alcheng and Gale are working on a track rental this summer. Poutine and Pho are just an added bonus. 
Originally Posted by onzedge
I could live on poutine and sushi. When? Name it.
Originally Posted by Fire
Most likely will be Toronto Motorsportpark, Mr.Ire and hook up with the track owner, and we just have to make up a date and facility.
Plus we are planning to have at least 3 cruises done, one night cruise around the city, one on the East end around where Mr.GaleForce's area, and one on the West end.
Then a track day..!!