Originally Posted by nklear
Got a ticket going 160mph in 65. Called my Lawyer - Got lowered to 1 point and $600 fine. Was about to lose my license.
Got a ticket for doing donuts in a private parking lot, 4 Police Cars and A helicopter showed up. - Called my Lawyer - Got Dismissed
Got Pulled over drifting in the canyons - Called my lawyer, got dismissed
Got pupped over doing 101 in a 65 - Called my lawyer, did traffic school, $80 dollar file, no points.
and it keeps going.... long list.
and I do stupid **** like this
perhaps maybe you shouldnt be allowed to have a licence or a car. You would think you would have learned your lesson the first time.
2011 Evo-GSR AMS 2.4 stroker/ bore, FP Black build in progress.
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