Since I screwed up the start button, and I was a little tipsy, I got stubborn when my wife called me out on it and decided to go ahead take care of business. I printed out a revised Z logo (slightly smaller - better fit imo) for the start button. Since I wanted just the Z to glow and Pintsize, wanted just the Z in black, I was able to kill two birds with one stone using the stencil for hers and the Z cut out for mine
I did three coats of Krylon Fusion for hers and mine has two coats of adhesion promoter with three coats of KAD. I will have to clear coat them as well, though it will probably be tomorrow sometime since the garage is now toxic

I also plan to pick up some buffing compound (Meguiar's Ultimate Compound seems to be a good choice here), which I did not have for my original attempt. I am hoping this will give it a cleaner finish