Originally Posted by Dwight Frye
Buy the manual. The first night home, sleep in the car. Bond with it. Be one with it. Get into the Zen of driving that particular Z with that particular clutch and transmission and engine. Shut off the stereo and your cell phone and listen to your car. It will speak to you in it's own language. Concentrate. It is not difficult. When you no longer think about what you are doing regarding operating the clutch, gas, brake and gear lever and it becomes an unconscious act, you will have achieved mastery of your machine.
If you over-think the procedure you will fail. 
I drove the 6MT tonight and it is
settled! I have a smile so large it doesn't fit on my face. We hit Alpharetta Highway in Roswell, GA during rush hour and I had no problem whatsoever. 1st is really short, 2nd is a tough shift as it seems jerky, but it is probably due to my ineptitude. It's really hard to stall this car.
One thing I failed to take note of is that people treat you differently when you are driving the sexiest thing they have seen that day. I spent an hour and a half in traffic on my way to the dealership, no one cares about your Mazda3. But once I got in that Z, it was like the seas parted - everyone wanted to open up a spot for me!
I am resolved to bond with this car as you so eloquently described, and drive it with passion until my fun days are numbered.
So many have contributed to my decision through this thread (taking both sides), and I am very grateful! All of it has helped me put things into perspective. I feel much more confident now.
Looking forward to adding some pics of my shiny new Z soon!
Maybe tomorrow...