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Old 01-31-2013, 08:29 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Location: Fredericksburg,VA
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Drives: '12 370z Sport DD
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Coon-azz will become famous soon enough

If you have never lived there here is my 2 cents-Lived in Brookly and worked in the City.
buy the most reliable POS you can-just can't look nice.
realize that NY's consider the bumper a tool to push and move your car so then can squeez into the tiny spot. So yeah, they will **** it up the first time you park in a garage or on the street.
NY's (city folk) do not respect "your" vehicle as property. Its far game for anything they decide they need to do to find a parking spot.
Dont put in a stereo worth anything
Never leave anything in the car, including a full tank of gas
Dont expect NY's to respect your property-cause they don't
DO expect it to be beat to **** by the locals
If you have something better than them, they will deliberately jack it up.
Buy something to blend in.
OH, and yeah the NY city mechanice will cheat you everytime if you let them.- they call it "a game"; I called it steallling and lying. Ex. $450 for an oil change? After two hours of harsh word-the douche bag basically "called me out" so I gently pursuaded him after showing him the hood of my car-face first. Suddenly he's the nicest guy on the planet..They will rip you off if you let them.

Just my 2 cents on the City and the local areas. Of course not all of NY is like that. The state of NY is stunning. I would recommend just using the subways. It's free intertainment and you get to see and smell NY's finest!
I don't care how slow you want to drive; I encourage it. JUST GET THE HELL OUT OF THE PASSING LANE YOU TUCK FARD!!!

Last edited by Coon-azz; 01-31-2013 at 08:34 PM.
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