When i lived back home in Bklyn. I commuted on the "Iron Horse." My car was garaged and came out on weekends to collect tang... My advice is, If you planning on commuting in NYC daily? Dont drive, buy a metro card.
1. alternate side of the street parking
2. alternate side of the street parking
3. alternate side of the street parking
4. people will chill on your car and put their drinks on the hood
5. Many parking spots in business areas have meters.
6. Parking in manhattan iff u go to work there is $800 a month in a garage..
7. Alernate side parking at night raises your insurance premium by a lot.
8. you have a 1 in 5 chance of oyur car being stolen. need i go on?
If you still insist on DD'ing? buy a hoopty. So you dont cry every week from seeing a new scratch.
a 96 wrangler to defeat potholes.