Originally Posted by XiP
no i'm done
i offended a lot of people including nina and since i know her in real life that makes it awkward 
PM me linky to your trolling plz

I like your style dood - a little goofy, but honest and real
Just follow Ms. BC's advice and be calm, cool, and collected in real life and no problems. If you're a nice guy, you can say pretty much anything you want on the forum (right, Ms. Pint?

Originally Posted by Isamu
awww, well, you didn't offend me lil guy! were still homies 
Nothing offends this guy

He gets off on it
Originally Posted by XiP
ya sometimes i like to post things that are against the grain just to see reactions because i think its fun, but some people take things way too seriously :/

and I hate people when take $hit seriously on the interwebs. I used to think obvious troll is obvious, but I realized a long time ago some people are too stupid to understand obvious so I stopped...