I know I had you cross mine off the list but it was 481hp and 427tq on an 7AT at 9.5 psi.
Only saying that to show the tranny CAN handle the hp & tq. I know a lot have said I didn't "drive" the car but those around KC know better

I put the kit on my car at 2600miles on the car and I'm taking it off right now at 20,800miles.
Before the tranny was tuned (somewhat) I noticed I was slipping between 3rd and 4th. It was actually upreving before shifting into 4th gear. After some tweeking to the shift points I never had a problem again. I also never drove the car hard in the automatic side.
My question to the ones that had their tranny blow up on them..Was it tuned? If so how long did it last after the tune?