here are the pictures!!!!
guys i was literally jumping around lol thats how happy i was.... my hats off to daytona racing... my friend did an OUTSTANDING JOB packing it.... i felt the love in the packing

there was literally a crap load of bubble wrap and he even bubble wrapped the outside....

now thats what i expect when i order jdm stuff.... He even threw in some daytona racing towels which was awesome!!!! i think imma frame them

no joke lol....
fyi before you guys ask me where are my pwjdm covers... still at the body shop

they are having a nightmare of a time tryna chase all the imperfections i would NEVER recommend to get those cover EVER... horrible just plain horrible.... my uncles shop has finished 1 quart of clear shooting over 5 layers of clear and tryna chase all the crevices and sink holes in the gel coat of the covers smh.... hopefully by this weekend itll be done and then i can put everything in....
UPDATE on baker.... paul is still out of his shop he says he will check what he can do today.... im hoping he has the brackets so i can just mount my intakes.... i NEED to mount them because my jim wolfs are sold to jordo and i dont want him waiting to long...

thats bad business....