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Old 09-26-2009, 01:11 PM   #36 (permalink)
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dpspc11 is on a distinguished road

VA is tough, but it really depends on the county. In my misspent youth, I got a reckless driving ticket Fairfax county, which is has to be the toughest. I was going 92 in 55. I didn’t take it very seriously. My license was suspended at first, I then appealed and ended up w/a restricted license for 6 mos.

Judges want to see you pay, as in pay for a lawyer. Judges were once lawyers. My lawyer was around $800, the actual fine for the violation was only $160 or so.

Don’t fool yourself, this is a big deal. Get a layer. The cop will show up. Your previous tickets matter. Take a defensive driving course. Get you speedometer calibrated, then be prepared to have you *** handed to you. I pled no contest w/an explanation on my first time around, I plea-bargained on my appeal. You never know how it will end up, but prepare yourself for the worst and hope for the best.

Good luck.
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