Originally Posted by pfdaxe
Finally got more base
Thank you Sparky & bigaudiofanat for tech assistance
This set-up is night & day compared to OEM Bose sub and well worth it. Here are some pics and opinions:
Rockford Fosgate R500-1D Mono Sub Amp, Audiocontrol LC2i LOC, 4 Gauge Fosgate Amp kit mounted behind drivers seat:
Corregated cut for box to sit a bit lower. FYI: The cargo cover clip will STILL hit top of box:
Relocated tools for access. I trimmed some of the foam so tools would fit snug:
Wicked CAS Corner Box , JL Audio 10W3v3-2 Sub & JL Grill. I mounted the box with a couple of self-tapping screws:
Fosgate Remote Bass Control:

Nice job on the install, looks clean.

I'll leave Matt to answer your front speaker question.