Originally Posted by joeyz10
I remembered one of the guys on this forum did that kind of a swithc . I think his forum name is Nash. It actually does not look bad at all if you use the seat heater switch but I do understand that the other way ( stalk ) is way better. I asked Jowe where he purchased the stalk and how difficult the installation was. Hopefully he will get back soon. Did you buy your fog light yet? I just ordered mine yesterday so hopefully it will arrive soon. Hey which part of socal are you?
I ordered the fog light a while back from the Z store (august 7, 2009) and still haven't received it so I ended up cancelling the order.
If I can get the stalk I'll go ahead and purchase the fog light from another vendor and get it installed.
I guess we need a yellow LED as well for the instrument panel?
BTW, I'm from the Orange County area; Hometown of Sublime - Garden Grove