Based on the lack of response, my assumption is that how they get around the law is not legal.
I still don't understand why they just can't let you register a "fun car" with restrictions on yearly mileage to keep that title. With the title you can bypass the smog rules, because if you're not driving it much, your total yearly contribution is probably less than a DD anyways.
I understand the reason behind the laws, however, not having any exemptions is stupid as the DD is the problem, not historical cars, weekend cars, etc.
What I'm going to do is find a local car club (hopefully a Z one) and ask what they do, then do that. Or just find a way myself by asking around at local shops. One thing is for sure, my car will have F.I. at some point, and it's not going to be stillens SC... so .... yea....
I mean my car is already probably not SMOG legal but yea...
I am a demon bolt slayer.