Originally Posted by CDepp
This is the best you'll get without commission...lol
Just putting it out there, there's not many images of any 370z with JDM taillights large enough to work with. Color changes in PS is relatively easy, as long as you're not going black to white or white to black. That's the hardest change to make, IMO.
thanks for the pics, the white Z with black tinted jdm looks nice in pic, but idk how it looks in person, im actually going to buy the jdm tails and vht tint one of them like the pic of the white Z and see how it looks, and ill attempt to cut the other.. mean while i should look for just a 3rd jdm either right or left as back up in case i crack the lens.. i spent hours looking for a place here that could make a replica clear lens for my stock tails, but was unsuccessful.. otherwise i would have been better for me to try to mess with the stock lights.. and save the $700+ !