Originally Posted by chrischhorn
You need one of a washer lock style. One that threads into the wheel as our wheels are lug centric. If the lug does not protrude through the wheel then there is no support on that certain stud basically causing it to float around the stud instead of resting on it, putting extra strain on the remaining 4 studs. This is something that you should be using or find something similar.
As DEpointfive0 said, its not locking the wheel in correctly.
(Our wheels are hubcentric)
To the OP, I haven't run into a set that ACTUALLY work, I had a set that had washers, but the washer diameter wasnt the correct size
While yeah you can buy another washer, like I did, it didn't work, I kept torquing it and it would KEEP going in... Bending the washer
Since our lug nuts are acorn shaped, those edges that protrude out from the hat are the things giving added pressure to the wheels
As for the locks Chris recommended, all I can say is make sure the "hat" is the same diameter on both