Originally Posted by Jasonle
have any of you guys stayed downtown Kansas city? recommend a nice hotel?
I stayed at the "The Q" for NYE, and it was nice.
Originally Posted by sboden
It is a discount only I can get. It is not a group buy. I don't really need one but it is almost an investment now. I could resale it for a profit at that price but honestly the way things are going it will be worth way more in the future.
LOL you really don't think I thought it was a group buy I hope.

I realize that, I was hoping you would extend that kind of deal to us all.

Of course I'm also wondering how you managed to get one so cheap. My guess, you've got a friend who works in LE who can order one for ya. Regardless, I'm mad jealous. It is definitely an investment, and on my short list of weapons to buy. Have you seen the .22 LR conversion they did on Sons of Guns? Perfect zombie control weapon. =)