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Old 01-24-2013, 12:37 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Dlm6568 is on a distinguished road
Default 2 weeks for my first Z

Let me first say I LOVE MY Z!!!!!

Coming from Acura, to a merc, then 2 BMW's this by far is the best everI've ever driven, in terms of just pure fun and exileration. Everyday I look forward to sitting and just finding the twistiest, longest route home and to work. My daily commute has gotten so much better. No longer does the drone of the road hypnotize me, every curve and straight away brings just sheer joy.

in the past i would crank the stereo to stay awake, now I turn it off and just listen the engine as it quickly progresses through the gears, and every downshift is a symphony.

I just had to get this out there but many of you already know this, but for a NOOB every ride is a new experience.

Thanks for putting up with the rant, and enjoy your day!!!
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