Originally Posted by alcheng
mm.... Mr.kenchan.. first time an  to you..
Anything over 12 - 14 is a big no no… 17 - 18 hrs can have serious damage done on your cornea in long term. It could affect the possibility of having laser surgry done on your eyes too.
Try to keep it as short as possible.. 
thanks for the tip, mr.alcheng...dang. so what is 'long term' ?

would that be like in 30yrs

(now) or like in 50yrs? or like 150yrs?
Originally Posted by Nismo89
rapeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee traiiiinnnnnnnnn

have a safe trip home, luna
goooooodpm, everyone!
so for the first time since pre-xmas, i made a purchase for myself... well, just some stand accessories for one of my music keyboards.