Originally Posted by JARblue
hi mr.jar

yah, it's been cold the past few days and this am, i think the f-king losers finally got off their arse to go to work:
#1 car finally started (and put air in tires).
#2 no more sick time left.
#3 3rd day sick day requires doc's note which would open up a can of worms.
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
So sore.  A week out of PT is going to hurt though.
note to self: watever PT means, stay away.
Originally Posted by onzedge
Tribble Slippers!!!
mr.onzedge- i had to scroll down slowly cause i wasnt sure wat furry part of the body the pict was (im at work).

im glad it was just slippers.
Originally Posted by alcheng
Gooood Morning... !!!
Day off today..
Going to visit a edging machine company at 12:30 to take a look at their product, run some errands... and maybe a visit to Costco too
Mr.kenchan,   So did you notice were most of those Prius-TRD??
No racing last night.. stung some tennis racquets and caught some more Australian Open through the net... 
Cold.... and cold in Toronto today... -14c, some winds...
hello, mr.alcheng!

sounds like you got quite a busy (and cold) day today.
actually the losers here drive pickup trucks, old chevy's and buicks.
it's until i visit the social security office or dmv that i notice i live with these folks....
so, i keep my comments to myself (birdie), and motor on...