Seriously ms. bc, if that is still even possible, the source of most lower back pain is mis-alignment of the hips. As the hip displaces (ever so slightly), the back muscles tighten-up to hold it in palce.
I was bed-ridden for two weeks awhile back. When I rolled out of bed (literally) to get out of bed, my hip popped loudly and I could walk for the first time in those two weeks.
A friend who is a physical therapist came to check-up on me and was amazed that I was walking around. After a few questions, he explained that when I broke my leg severly when I was 12, that leg was ever so slightly shorter than my other leg, and over time, opened-up my hip socket (microscopically). If I twisted just the wrong way, like trying to pick something up while leaning over and twisting, my hip displaced and my back tightened-up.
Be careful when you pick-up or pull things. The last time I ever hurt my back, I was washing my car!
Glad you are feeling better.