Originally Posted by kenchan
mr.jar  thanks for the confirmation on the blue coolant. you see, that's wat i thought i read before and i posted that and someone said no. im glad i wasn't just seeing things...
hi mr.alcheng!  hey, i had an online buddy in canada that took a pict of his thermometer at -50C  holy frikken ice cow!
he said he can throw a bucket of water outside and it would turn into snow before it it the ground.
hi mr.gale-  im talking about the valve that's on the large hose (top side of engine bay). after you drain the cold coolant out, i remove this valve on the hose so that when you pour new coolant into the radiaor, the air bleeds out to eliminate airbubbles. (might be called bleeder valve? not sure the terminology).  haven't taken a close look on the Z, but i think it should be near the firewall.

that's freakin' cold! I wonder if I could make pissicles in weather that cold
Ahh... now I know what you speak of... not sure of the terminology myself tho. I'll take a peek this afternoon