Originally Posted by Sh0velMan
The 'Magic Part' that he's talking about is an insert that slides in right before the MAF. See there's a coupler there?
You just take the coupler off, slide that into the tube with the maf hanging down in the slot cut in the 'Magic Part' and then put the coupler back on.
I don't really know why they'd call this a magic part, it's just a bandaid fix to get around requiring a tune with the intakes.
Originally Posted by Alstann
^ Ahh....I see that now. I guess that makes sense now. Speaking in terms of flexibility, I suppose that is kinda useful if you decide to get them before Uprev, and then decide to tune the car later.
Band-aid fix sounds extremely back-yard ghetto rigged. This piece is cnc'd and milled precisely to 1) fit inside the intake, both easily slid in and out 2) be of precise ID to not trip the MAF on a stock tune
And yes, the beauty is exactly that Alstann, the intake is full 2.75" from beginning to end, and with the MAF insert you can run it on the stock tune, or if you are getting an UpRev tune, you can take advantage of the larger diameter via a tune