Originally Posted by AlexRaymond19
Thanks! Ill look around and try to find something that will work for me. Ill keep you guys posted how it goes, and ill be sure to try to get some before and after dynos
basically you will be experimenting. the momentum headers may just be a special case for power gains but like said earlier, no one has experimented. other then momentum, there really is no reason to not just stick with 370z headers unless you want to be the one to experiment and dump money. the momentum header is very well built with an awesome collector. better then 90% of the 370z headers out there. other then that, the only real difference is flanges. if youve got time and money to burn then by all means enjoy. but 6-10 hours of labor, i would hate to be the one to research if it doesnt have any gains or if it doesnt fit to put the stock back on. my suggestions is momentum headers or just stick with 370z headers.