Originally Posted by Cmike2780
Heck I can travel 2,000 feet at 5 mph. The purpose of 1st gear, has and always will be just to get the car moving. My car as well as all 370's, NEED to shift at a max 7,500 rpm's...which means 40 mph, irrelevant of distance travelled.
I didnt mean it so literal to the distance traveled. I can creep in 1st at like 5mph for miles if I'd like. I was presenting it in more a stop light on main road senario, where you would be traveling from 0 - 40mph in a hopefully good amount of time.
It was just pointing how very short lived 1st gear is in our cars, and like I said I will barely use it unless Im at an incline or at a total dead stop.
But as my cousin put it when he drove my car..
Me: Ya, the first gear is very short you have to immediatley throw it into 2nd and give it a bit of gas during engagement.
Cousin: cause it's not refined luxury coupe. it's a sportscar. it just wants to go, no compromise. it's not made for going slow around starbucks.