Originally Posted by RonZwanson
So I installed some AAM Shorties just about two weeks ago now. I'm not sold on them yet, for a couple reasons. First of all, none of the videos on YouTube come close to accurately depicting how LOUD these things are. They don't sound bad, just LOUD. I don't know if I can live with it as much as I drive the thing.
My primary gripe is that there's a buzz/plasticy-sounding rattle coming from somewhere around the hatch. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced the same thing after installing new exhaust, particularly the Short Tails. I plan on doing some exploratory surgery whenever it stops being rainy and frigid, but that may not be for a couple more weeks. I noticed the tips of the exhaust basically sit right against the cutout in the bumper. And since the buzz sound is typically when I accelerate with some gusto, I guess that could be it, but based on the sound, I think it may be something in the hatch door.
Anybody have any feedback, or likely places I could search, before I go nuts tearing down my car? Anyone had a similar issue? Any feedback would be appreciated. I did search around, but didn't find anything specific to this. If anyone knows of a helpful thread I'll take that too. 
buzzing noise/rattle has been explored to death on this forum if you do some quick search there are a few DYI's to fix it, there are 2 places where it could be comming from, one is the latch for the hatch and one is behind the headliner, in both cases it sounds like it comming from the back because the sound travels down the windshield (that was my case)