Originally Posted by JARblue
can't disagree with you there
JAR = my initials James A Rickard
blue = my favorite color as a kid
I still have a JARblue at aol.com account that has been active since 1995  I love those reps
Yes sir I am! 30K in 21 months  Tomorrow my buddy is helping with mass fluid swap mostly just to go to all synthetic - basically everything except for the oil, which I did recently 
Ahh...good screen name. nice to meet ya James. I see you are located near Pintsize725 (Tracie), helped her out a few times on mods.

We are friends on FB. Blue was also my fav color as a kid. I wish they would bring back the Daytona Blue for Z34.
I have gone synth on all oils with aftermarket mostly Redline through out the body fluids. Never went with water wetter for coolant, stuck with the green stuff by Nissan. Probably should change out the power steering fluid....any suggestions on preferred brand? Should have gone ATE Blue for brake and clutch fluid but was in a hurry to have onzedge's son to flushi it and went with only availible fast off the shelf - Valvoline...oh well next time.
g/l on fluid swaps tomorrow, answer if you have time.
Rep coming your way :
Cheers - Curtis Lewis