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Old 01-18-2013, 12:16 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Gauge View Post
So I might be moving to L.A. soon. So I could get a P.O. box in one of these counties and register my car to the P.O. box. Then I wouldn't have to pass smog?

TBH these rules are really retarded. Can't they just make a mileage restriction on non smog compliant cars. So people can have "for fun" cars, and daily drivers separate and not on the same restrictions.

Here in dane county madison we don't even have vehicle inspections. I can basically do wtf ever I want to my car and no one can say ****. We have decibel laws but if you're not a prick no one cares about them. Same with license plate laws. The general rule of thumb is, if you're not bothering anyone, no one cares.

I'm on the same boat, might be moving somewhere in the Orange County later this year...and I have LTH....
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