Originally Posted by LunaZ
How do y'all feel about UV filters?
Use them for lens protection, don't use them at all?
Notice a difference in IQ or can't tell any difference?
Originally Posted by cgust
Your probably going to get mixed responses on this. I never use filters for protection. IMO its just another piece of glass that can possibly effect sharpness. Not sure if my big lenses even support a filter in the front to be honest? It would likely be expensive at that diameter I'd think..
UV filter is needed, unless the lenses used within the lens are glass.
Most of the less expensive lenses are using polycarbonate material, light rays (including UV) going through the lens elements to the sensor, from time to time, the UV will turn the polycarbonate material into yellowish thus affect the quality thus the lifespan of the lens itself.
A good quality UV+anti-reflection filter is essential.
Originally Posted by onzedge
You cannot beat B+W quality.
