Originally Posted by N0SL3N
The install is pretty easy. Mine took a couple hours max. Hardest part is getting down there and manoeuvring around to remove and install the right pieces. After that it is just some minor adjustment until you get the desired feel.
Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs
How was the RJM pedal instal? I still have not set time aside to do mine. Really because I have no idea how log it should/will take. It is something I want to be sure I can have done in what ever time I put aside for it.
Any flaws with the instructions? How did you set yours?
Basically like N0SL3N said. Plan a couple of hours. I'm glad I did mine while the dash was out. It gave me a little more room to manoeuvre. Having the raised up on jack stands helped too.
Instructions were good, and the parts fit perfectly. I set it up to the 70% mark like the instructions suggest and I was able to row through the gears no problem. The real test will come during the first drive

It's going to be like a whole new car